The SAS is a purely professional Society devoted to development of astronomy in Serbia. The SAS has about 100 members, mainly from the Astronomical Observatory in Belgrade and from the Department of Astronomy of the University of Belgrade, but also from astronomical societies.
There are few members from other towns and several from abroad. The majority of members come from places where astronomy (and astrophysics) is taught either at the independent study group (Belgrade) or within the physics study group (Novi Sad, Nis, Kragujevac).
Official Statutory document of the SAS can be downloaded here (in Serbian).
Србија је од августа 2024. године званично постала учесник међународног пројекта ShakthiSAT, који има за циљ да оснажи младе девојчице из целог света у области истраживања свемира и свемирских технологија.
Počinju pripreme za takmičenje iz astronomije za srednje škole. Sve informacije možete videti klikom na stranicu NAOC iz menija.
Pročitajte više o prvom nacionalnom takmičenju u Astrofotografiji "Uslikaj noćno nebo".
Kratak izveštaj sa XV Međunarodne olimpijade iz astronomije i astrofizike održane u Kutaisiju u Gruziji.
Pogledajte zadatke sa prethodnih regionalnih i republičkih takmičenja iz astronomije u srednjim školama.
Congratulations to all the participants of XIV International Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics:
Jovan Markovic - bronze medal,
Djordje Milic - bronze medal,
Momčilo Tošić - bronze medal,
Nikolija Cuckić - learning,
Jovan Arizanović - participation.
The International Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA) started today! You can find more info on the website of the organizers (click view more)!
On December 20th 2007 the United Nations (UN) 62nd General Assembly proclaimed 2009 the International Year of Astronomy. The Resolution was submitted by Italy, Galileo Galileis home country. The International Year of Astronomy 2009 is an initiative of the International Astronomical Union and UNESCO.
We need your support!
205 - 12847 - 56
Društvo Astronoma Srbije
Volgina 7, Beograd
The Society of Astronomers of Serbia (SAS), in Serbian - Drutvo astronoma Srbije (DAS), was founded in 1981. The seat of the SAS is in Belgrade. Before its foundation astronomers of Serbia were organized within the Society of mathematicians and physicists of Serbia (since its foundation in 1948) and by this Society within the Union of Societies of mathematicians and physicists (since its foundation in 1949). Both organization incorporated the astronomers officially in its title, in 1962 and 1966, respectively.